Third party

OakVar uses third party software. Their names and license are listed below.

Name License Note
liftover MIT
aiosqlite MIT
oyaml MIT
gdown MIT
duckdb MIT
rich MIT
pyjwt MIT
polars MIT
connectorx MIT
aiohttp-cors Apache 2.0
requests Apache 2.0
requests-toolbelt Apache 2.0
aiohttp Apache 2.0
pyarrow Apache 2.0
intervaltree Apache 2.0
markdown BSD
nest-asyncio BSD
psutil BSD
python-dateutil BSD
download BSD
packaging BSD
mpmath BSD
multiprocess BSD-3-Clause
chardet GNU Lesser General Public License Unlike GPL, proprietry software developed with this library does not need to disclose its source code.
twobitreader Artistic License 2.0 The Artistic License 2.0 is an open-source license with no copyleft similar to the MIT license. Proprietary software developed with this library as a library does not need to disclose its source code.
Pillow Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer This license is functionally identical to BSD and MIT except the option of promoting with the author's name. Proprietary software developed with this library does not need to disclose its source code.